Eating spicy foods, irregular eating habits, stress, lesser physical activity and drinking alcohol may cause acidity. It happens when stomach acid or bile flows in your food pipe and irritates the lining, causing an irritating discomfort and pain. While there are medications that can relieve you from the worsening pain; some natural ingredients also provide instant relief, including basil leaves, cinnamon, buttermilk, apple cider vinegar, cumin seeds and cloves. Of these amazing natural remedies, clove (laung) tops the list.

How Does Clove Help Soothe Acidity?

Chew two to three cloves so the juices are released into your system, giving you instant relief from acidity. Eat crushed cloves with cardamom, which will not only help minimize acid trouble, but also freshen the bad breath that often accompanies the condition. The best way to bring cloves in to use is to add them in curries and rice dishes to avoid any tummy trouble.

Weight Loss

In order to lose weight in an efficient and effective way, one can follow a few regimen to accelerate the weight loss process. Consumption of a four-ingredient drink, which is prepared using apple cider vinegar, ginger, lemon and turmeric. They consists antioxidants properties that help in healing process of body. According to the traditional system of medicine Zeera is also beneficial to burn fat. These four-ingredients are loaded with the health benefiting properties. "Apple cider vinegar helps heal the gut micro biome, whereas ginger aids digestion that further leads to better absorption and utilisation of nutrients from food. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties. Curcumin, which is the main active ingredient in turmeric, helps in balancing the blood sugar levels, which in turn prevents storage of fat in the adipose tissues. The first step in a weight loss journey is to improve the digestion process. Honey and ginger together are beneficial for digestive system and also helpful in stimulating the body's metabolism. Consume it, in the morning with empty stomach. The combination of these four ingredients helps in the cleansing process and detoxifies human body.Procedure of preparing the four-ingredients drink.

  • 1 TSF Honey
  • 1 Cup luke warm water
  • 1 TSF apple cider vinegar
  • 1 TSF turmeric powder
  • 25 Grams Ginger or 2 TSF ginger juice

Take a container and add water and ginger and allow it to boil till it gives a nice aroma. Now, add honey, turmeric and apple cider vinegar to the water. Give the mixture a nice stir.

Note: Apple cider vinegar and ginger are strong in nature.